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My Works

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no name

Una barca in mezzo al Mediterraneo rimane bloccata. Tutto è fermo, sospeso ma il tempo continua a scorrere ininterrottamente in attesa di soccorsi.

"Per aver animato in modo originale il dramma che si consuma giorno dopo giorno nei nostri mari. Per aver raccontato in modo pungente la sconcertante indifferenza che ci circonda." -Cit. Prato Film Festival (Menzione speciale della giuria)


Il nascondiglio del lupo

La sorella è colei che ti dà l’ombrello nella tempesta

e poi ti accompagna a vedere l’arcobaleno.

Un cortometraggio di finzione che parla di violenza sui minori.


Locandina SunglassesV2 (2) (1) (1).jpg


A table, a turntable, a singer, a bartender, lights, books, sensations, emotions, thoughts. This all corresponds to a pub. An indelible and enveloping pub, in Annie and Leonardo's memories.


A table, a turntable, a singer, a bartender, lights, books, sensations, emotions, thoughts. This all corresponds to a pub. An indelible and enveloping pub, in Annie and Leonardo's memories.


It is a short film that aims to raise awareness of the theme of violence, narrating a news story, the story of William Pezzullo.


Seen at the San Benedetto Del Tronto Film Festival

incomplete venus

"Excellent artistic dramatic short film. Through the drawing and the passion of the characters, which they faithfully reflect thanks to some wonderful interpretations, we discover all the complexity of feelings that this intelligent and sensitive script shows. Great artistic direction. Awesome cast."

-SounDance Film Festival

"It's a powerful and engaging, thought provoking short"

-Film Only Film Festival

Selezionato, finalista e vincitore di alcuni festival internazionali.


A new life, upsets things in every home, changes them, and with love only changes them for the better. In the first months there is an ecstatic, calm, out-of-this-world air in the house. Something I thought couldn't exist, exists. And it's beautiful, despite being so difficult ...


Selected at Lift Off Session December 2019.

like a bird's song

This film tells about a boy. Whose sedentary and monotonous life is altered by a voice hidden behind a window. He does not know whose voice is, but it flies in the wind, it's like a bird's song. It is like a dream. It is something that tempts him and tries to shake him from everyday life.

Selected at several international festivals.

teaser Day96 - new sounds

teaser Day96 - new sounds

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